Thank you

Dear Friend,


Thank you so much for your kind donation to the Lough Grainey Nature Sanctuary!


Your donation will help us achieve of our goal of buying the land for the Nature Sanctuary, preserving the beauty and wilderness of this special land, and restoring the oak forest that once grew here.


It will help us to preserve the biodiversity of this land, with all of its healing herbs and the threatened birds and animals, the red squirrel, lesser horseshoe bat, red deer, badger, hen harrier, raven, robin, and many others. It will help ensure that the wildlfowers grow intact, and the bees, butterflies, and other pollinators have a safe haven here. It will help us to educate children and teach them to care for and protect nature. In the long term, it will contribute to offsetting carbon emissions and restoring the climate balance.


We hope that this project will inspire many other projects like ours, throughout Ireland and in the rest of the world.


Who said you can’t change the world?


If you made your donation from outside of Ireland, may this donation and the tree that we plant on your behalf on the land of the Nature Sanctuary, help strengthen your connection with Ireland!  By making this donation and asking us to plant a tree on your behalf, you are putting down roots in Ireland. May your generosity return to you multiplied many times!


A heartfelt thank you from all of us at the Lough Grainey Nature Sanctuary and on behalf of all inhabitants of this special land.


With gratitude,


Lough Grainey Nature Sanctuary Board of Directors